Thursday, March 4, 2010

I love my Daisy Scouts

When my daughter was in kindergarten, she decided she wanted to be a Daisy Scout. If you were ever a Girl Scout back in the day, Girl Scouts started with Brownies in 2nd grade. Daisies are the newest addition~~ only been around for about 10 years or so. Now, you can start Girl Scouts in kindergarten and continue to 1st grade.

Of course when we went to sign up, there was no Daisy Scout leader/troop in our school. So what happens? Yep, former-teacher-me is talked into starting a troop. Which is fine, I can do that. we are a super active troop. Last year we had 10 girls, this year we have 18 and had to turn some down! We have a lot of fun.

What does this have to do with jewelry, do you ask? At the end of last year, I gave all the girls a sterling silver name necklace with a flower stamp, from pink papillon, of course. They really like them. They wear them all the time to this day! That makes me happy. They are inexpensive, these sweet little necklaces, and make great birthday gifts. My daughter likes to give them to her friends. So, if you ever need a sweet little present for a sweet little girl, think pink papillon!

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