Saturday, March 13, 2010

Okay, GREAT. So now I'm addicted...... lamp working beads. Something about firing up a torch and melting stuff with it. Awesome.

In case you missed it, I just finished a two day Introduction to Lamp Work Beads class, given by the fabulous Starleen of Starleen's Studio. If you want to see just *how* fabulous she is, click here. Incredible lamp work artist and an instructor que fabulosa.

These are just a few of the beads I had a good ole time creating yesterday. Not very exciting or beautiful, but DANG, a lot of fun!
The pictures
aren't the greatest as I took them with my cell phone camera, but you can get the idea.

The one on the left was the most fun to create. (Well, in yesterday's session, anyway!) Five simple steps to coolness!

GREAT. So now I'm going to have to outfit my studio with a complete lamp work section. Anyone out there want to help out out? HAHA!


Unknown said...

I like the blue bead. Regina

Jen said...

SO cool!