Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kindergartners are Funny

This week is incredibly insane for me. Daisy Scouts, Girl Scout party, CCD, ballet, hair appointments, a 2 day bead class, subbing 4 days, among many other things.

Back in the day I was a teacher of elementary school~~ and a kick butt one at that. So, I sub occasionally, thinking I may want to get back into that one day (although the state of New Jersey is a MESS in that department, so I doubt it. I have been dubbed "too expensive" as I have "too much education" and "too much experience". Don't get me started.) This week I happen to be subbing a lot~~ mostly in kindergarten. These kids are a laugh a minute. Since our kindergarten is a full day program, after lunch they sometimes have "rest time" where they all pull out their mats and are supposed to lie there for half an hour, listen to music, and well, rest. In the beginning of the school year this was a much needed break. This late in the game, not so much. It's torture to get them to stay on those mats. Anywho, they also tap each other to use the bathroom. So, I'm sitting on the rug organizing the pieces for the lesson to be taught after rest. One of the girls is washing her hands at the sink when all of a sudden, we both hear something. I look at her and say, "Sue, (not her real name) what *is* that?" She looks at me and says, "I think it's Sally. (also not her real name) She's in the bathroom." Then we hear it again, only much clearer........"EVACUATE THE DANCE FLOOR......I'M INFECTED BY THE SOUND......." apparently Sally thought she was in her own personal recording studio, and she was LOUD. So, the rest of us are just cracking up. When she comes out of the bathroom, we are just in tears. She says, "What? What's so funny?" I told her we could hear her "concert". She had *no idea* we could hear her. She's also the kind of kid that likes to be the center of attention, so she thought this was GREAT. Too funny. I wish I had recorded it.

PS I have some new pieces debuting in the next few weeks......be on the look out!

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