Thursday, September 4, 2008

I am home alone for the first time in 7 years......

.....and it is freaking me out a little.

Why is that, I wonder? How long have I been saying, "As soon as the kids are in school, my business will be SO much easier for me. I can work all day!" So, why am I sitting here, all aimless and unfocused? Could it have to do with the fact my tiny little kindergartener just left on that big bus? Before I have a breakdown, let's talk about something else!

We own a 1973 MG Midget. It's the coolest thing. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to drive it all summer as it's been at the MG doctor. Here's what it looks like at the moment:

OOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAH. Look at that shiny new engine. They sent us that photo yesterday with a note that said as soon as we get the bill and pay it they will put the engine back IN the car. I thought that was a ransom note.

Here's it is the day we got it:

Yeah, it's the coolest.

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